Welcome to
Creative Healing Integration

A Place to Find Calm and Ease

Hello and welcome to my website!

I’m Mari, a licensed Art and Trauma Therapist but LET’S BE CLEAR, I am not acting as a therapist and we are not building a therapeutic relationship here on this website. Here my role is one of educator and coach, serving in your best interest.

As your educator and coach, this is a place to find creative courses, guided meditations, and more.

I am passionate about helping people live fulfilling lives by finding creative ways to loosen patterns from childhood that prevent us from having more joy and less perfectionism in our lives.

With over 20 years of experience working in the healing arts, I also bring experience running groups and teaching both online and in person.


One such group arose when I noticed a common thread among people who were so hard on themselves: they had experienced a mother wound. I felt passionate about finding ways to heal this early experience and created the Daughters of Critical Mothers (DOCM) which then evolved into Overcoming the Mother Wound (OCMW), bringing a positive light to their healing journey.

To reach more people who have had such a wound, I created an online course and book, tailored to all genders wanting to overcome this emotional wound, and added a group community for support and coaching.

These interactive programs offer a unique and unusual “bag of tricks” to help heal this energy and the inner critical voices that can accompany it.

These online courses are part of the CHI Creative Healing Integration™ program. They include Trauma-Informed somatic approaches and energy work that are educational, supportive, and heart-opening, such as art-making, guided meditations, Reiki, and group sharing.

Hope to see you there!


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Free Resources
 These resources are free for you to enjoy -
try one or try them all!

Guided Mediations available for purchase. These meditations are specially designed to bring you peace, relaxation, calm and inner strength. 

Overcoming the Mother Wound:

  Helping to Heal the Mother Wound
  Tools, Resources, Guided Meditations & More
to Help Lessen the Impact of Attachment Wounds

10 Reasons to Heal Your Critical Voices:

#1: So you can stop beating yourself up over your mistakes.

#2: So you can take on new projects with joy.

#3: So you can let go of your perfectionist (she can be so mean!)

#4: So you can create more self-value.

#5: So you can take some time for yourself (you deserve it!)

#6: So you can become more of an expert in your own self-care.

#7: So you can overcome limiting beliefs and attitudes.

#8: So you can feel more deserving of good things!

#9: So you can have a more peaceful state of mind.

#10: So you can identify your tired old patterns and release them


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The information on this website is for general informational and educational purposes only. While Mari is a licensed psychotherapist, she is not acting as such here, and the teachings, group coaching, and resources offered here are not a substitute for professional therapy or medical treatment. Always seek advice from your healthcare provider regarding medical or mental health issues. Mari does not guarantee specific results and is not liable for any damages from using this site. Participation in coaching or using resources is voluntary, and consulting a healthcare provider is recommended before changes to health routines. External links do not imply endorsement. Content may change without notice. By using this site, you agree to this disclaimer. Contact Mari at support@creativehealingintegration.com with questions. Read our full disclaimer here.